The creation.
We love real. We love analog.
Things you can touch, things you can feel. The creation of something, the realisation of a dream, the incarnation of an idea. Nothing feels more satisfying than to hold something that you’ve envisioned, that you’ve longed for since you were young. And sharing our world of creation is something we do all along the journey of building the car of your dreams.

Every body. Deserves a perfect donor.
As we know that beauty is fragile, we go all the way to face the naked truth. The creation of an all new body starts with a perfect donor. And as they’re in their forties, it's a fine line between current state and the additional work it needs. However, our specialist eyes always pick the best one for you. Guaranteed.

Bare. Naked. Metal.
Irrespective of the shape it’s in, every donor car is chemically stripped. All the way down to the bare metal. The only way to establish the naked truth. It caters for a clean and predictable rebuild, that is completely transparant. For us, but also for you. Because at this level, no one wants to be surprised.

Back. In Black.
Completely zinc protected, our cars will outlive us all! If the engineers back in the days could have, they would have. So we finish where they had to leave it. Modern protection against corrosion and ready for every day use.

Epoxy Green.
As if it is not enough, our zinc protected bodies receive an additional epoxy coating. That green layer is applied to all cars, but it’s the only green we don’t offer. As this piece of art will completely vanish after painting, we also refer to it as Banksy Green.

Exceptional quality. Colors and paint.
Time travel, done right. With the original colors and paint. Our paint specialists go to extremes to create the car of your dreams. As color is one of the most powerful expressions of who you are, we offer the complete range of original Glasurit colors perfectly matching the quintessenza.
With over 150 colours, both uni and metallic, there are truly no limits to your imagination.

All parts. Better than new.
All parts. Better than new. To improve performance, and to create much better drivability and stability, all key components are replaced or restored to become better than new. Brakes, suspension, running gear, everything... And by using original parts we build the car of your dreams. Original sixties or wide rear totally eighties.
You decide.

all out digitisation.
AutoCRAT, the state-of-the-art vehicle software at the centre of the vehicle experience.
Our bespoke control system AutoCRAT controls the entire vehicle, including all of its functions. It’s not only the main subsystems, such as battery and drivetrain, that run on its ARM processors but also all of its classic technology. It offers a cutting-edge electric vehicle that carefully maintains the user experience of a classic car.

never-ending performance.
Performance used to be synonymous with sound. More sound: more power. But that sound (and the heat for that matter) was merely a cry of inefficiency.
Electrical propulsion changed all that. Today, the performance of traditional power cars is dwarfed by the acceleration of only middle-of-the-road electrical vehicles with never-ending torque and power. With the quintessenza, we’ve combined classic design with the performance you expect today.